Standalone Games
-----• Cold War: CIA vs KGB – reprinted in a tiny box with a $12 pricetag
-----• Kingdoms – reprinted in a larger box with plastic castles and a wizard tile previously available only at conventions
Dust Tactics Mother Lode
-----• Dust Tactics: "Corps Officers" - Heavy Rangers Command Squad
-----• Dust Tactics: "Heavy Kommandotrupp" - Schwer-Sturmgrenadiere Command Squad
-----• Dust Tactics: Operation "Cerberus"
-----• Dust Warfare: Core Rulebook – a new rule system for using existing and future miniatures in the Dust Tactics line
Other Expansions for Existing Games
-----• Mansions of Madness: Forbidden Alchemy – described on the sell sheet as "[t]he first boxed expansion for Mansions of Madness"
-----• Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game - Fame and Fortune – adds components for a fifth player along with four new civilizations
-----• Tannhäuser: Matriarchy Troop Pack
Expansions for Living Card Games
-----• A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - On Dangerous Grounds
-----• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - Into Tartarus
-----• The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Khazad-dûm – a large expansion with nine new encounter sets that set up the forthcoming "Dwarrowdelf" cycle of Adventure Packs
-----• Warhammer: Invasion - City of Winter
Oh, and let's not forget this little number:
FFG had only a cover image of this new edition of Nexus Ops in its December 2011 solicitation information with no sell sheet, so I'm not sure what's been changed, if anything, and how much this little bit of excitement will sell for. More details when I have them – or watch the FFG site for an announcement...