• KS first timers WIBAI Games has launched Transylvania: Curses and Traitors, a board game to secure the fate of Transylvania while being decked out in gears and tiny top hats! (KS link) I do not know a ton about the game, but it looks pretty cool and has several links to previews/reviews on the KS page, so go check those out and see whether you're interested. I noticed it had a perfect 10 on BGG!! Good job, guys! You designed the perfect game apparently! Grats!!
Designed for incredible replay with a modular board, variable player powers, and decks of Event and Quest cards, the game provides a unique and engaging journey into the wilds of Transylvania every time you play. A winner-take-all competition with your friends, Transylvania: Curses & Traitors provides multiple paths to victory.
• Sixpence Games and none the richer is looking for big bucks to fund Cultists of Cthulhu: Miskatonic University. This game has nothing to do with the similarly themed Miskatonic School for Girls except that apparently Cthulhu loves old-timey educational institutions.
(KS link) The project is in danger of not funding despite a decent enough backer count due to the very high funding goal. Designer Thomas Eliot seems like a high energy guy, so maybe he can drum up a strong closing week.
• Gryphon Games is back with Eggs and Empires. ( KS link) As an unbiased, non-opinionated, objective bringer of news I thought this project looked top notch. Fantastic art, cool theme, fun gameplay, and a reasonable price point?! I wonder what geniuses designed this gem. I tried to find out, but BGG was, ummm, down or something, so let's just assume it was two fine-looking hombres and all-around good guys from the greater Detroit area that I have no affiliation with besides possibly being one of them, though, like I said, BGG was down and such so I can't confirm that either way...
Typically, the player who played the highest Adventurer chooses an Egg first, then the player with the second highest Adventurer picks an Egg, and so on until all revealed Eggs are collected. Ah, but it's not that simple! Each Adventurer has a unique power that can affect the order in which Eggs are selected. The powers interact in strategic and awesome ways so that every hand is exciting and different.
• KS veterans Crash Games has launched the Ion Award-winning card game Yardmaster, in which "the freight is rolling into the yard and it's up to you, the Yardmaster, to organize and manage it making sure everything is where it's supposed to be and readying the trains for departure." It's not very often I get a chance to play a game before it is on KS — well, except when I am being a self-serving jack@ss like above — but I was lucky enough to be on the Twitter and following Crash Games when it asked for lucky volunteers to play a proto of Yardmaster. I have played several times, and the game is very good. It has the feel of a classic card game and is pretty easy to pick up and teach. I have played with my parents several times, and they in particular like it. (KS link)
Players start with three cargo cards in hand, and three railcar cards are laid out on the table. Each player has one exchange token in one of the four colors, and whoever is to the right of the start player has a Yardmaster token. On a turn, a player takes two actions, repeating an action if desired; whoever holds the Yardmaster token takes a third action on her turn, then passes this token to the right.
Eight cargo cards provide bonus actions during play, such as drawing extra cargo cards or paying less cargo to purchase a railcar. The player to reach 16-18 points first wins.
Quick Hits
• Chevee Dodd is self-publishing his trick-taking card game called PULL!. PULL! is a fast-playing, trap-shooting card game in which players take to the range to bust the most clay targets. It is shooting for your dollars right now! Hey-yo! (KS link)
• More game coins! I'm not sure whether there was a stamping machine on QVC late one night or what, but metal gaming coins have been popping up all over KS. Rare Elements RPG Fantasy Currency & Coins are pretty sweet looking so check them out if you are so inclined. (KS link)
• The Marble Game is a family project, and I LOVE it. I saw it in a tweet from T.C. Petty III and it looks so cool — a guy and his family making a dream come true. It reminds me of giant wooden Crossfire! (KS link)
Going, Going, Gone!
Since I was running a project throughout the month, I spent a lot of time on KS and saw some really cool projects go big. Dig Down Dwarf (which I backed) and Dragon Slayer (which I did not) both did well and Heavy Steam (which I thought looked sweet) is still looking to eke over, so grats to all of them and proof as always that no one knows anything about anything. (Including when projects end as Dragon Slayer still has thirteen hours left at the time Matt submitted this post: KS link. —WEM)
See you in a month, and remember that if you have any questions, shoot me a Geekmail or post it in here. Complaints and/or rants can be directed at W. Eric. It was likely his fault anyway.
Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM