• Up first is Monster Truck Mayhem from Dice Hate Me Games and world class designers Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback. (KS link) Yay for shameless self promotion! One of the advantages of writing this thing is that I get to pick the games and so yeah, I mean I am covering my own game but will do so with my normal journalistic, objective detachment... MONSTER TRUCK MAYHEM IS THE BEST GAME EVER DESIGNED OR PLAYED ANYWHERE EVER. Like for reals. Monster Truck Mayhem is real-time, dice-rolling, monster truck madness. It is a true race in which the first person to compete a lap around the SuperMegaDome wins. There are car crushes, bus jumps, mud pits, death chasm, monster truck announcing, and more. I am SUPER happy how this game turned out. The art is from Benjamin Raynal of King of Tokyo, and the bits are great big and chunky and high quality. There is a lot in the box. That does mean the price ended up a bit higher than was expected — $39 + shipping – but it's worth it. MTM is off to a decent start but could use some love, so check it out.
SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! Monster Truck Mayhem is invading the SuperMegaDome! Brought to you by Ridback Pub, 101 The Animal, and Big Al's Sound Emporium, this thrill show spectacular will BLOW YOUR MIND! All your favorite trucks and more will be there...AND SO SHOULD YOU! Car crushing, mud sliding, bus jumping, and general mayhem for only $39! Less than FORTY BUCKS gets you the whole seat...but you will only need the edge Edge EDGE!
• Cosmic Kaboom is being published by Minion Games and is the second game from them and designer Matt Loomis. (KS link) It was nice of Kit Fisto and Star Fox to agree to be in the game. Good celebrity endorsements! I have played Cosmic Kaboom several times and truly enjoy it. It is flicking, so you can only be as good as your index finger allows, but there are very well done and fun powers and enough strategy and luck to keep everyone – even terrible flickers – engaged.
Having played it, I really expected this game to be doing much better. It is on pace to fund, so it will get out there to backers and that is important. A friend was discussing this game and Monster Truck Mayhem and speculated that it may be difficult to "show the fun" of games like these with an important physical or speed element via the interwebs. These are the kinda games that you play at a con or demo at a store, then buy immediately. I can tell you this game is fun, so check it out. The components are great, the art is well done — if maybe the cover is a bit overdone for what the game is, but better overdone then underdone.
Each player controls three planets in their color scattered throughout the board. One of these planets houses an energy crystal that supplies players with an energy cube of that color when their ship is flicked into this planet. After an energy cube of each player color is collected, you may toss the space bomb onto the board in an attempt to blow up the other player's planets. Each planet is worth points (shown on the back of the planet) that you earn when blowing it up.
Advancement cards that provide player powers or bonuses to aid in your conquest are given to players throughout the game. The game continues until either one entire color of planets has been destroyed, or the majority of the planets have been destroyed. Whoever has the most points becomes the ruler of the universe!
• I wouldn't want to miss out on my quota of farm animal related games this month, so here is Zombicide: Black Plague from Cool Mini or Not. (KS link) Well, okay. I kid. It is not actually farm animal related. Honestly, this is probably the first month in a long time there wasn't at least one farm-related game I could find to cover. People love cows, so it is an easy mark. Too bad.
But you know what people love more? Zombies! And minis! Zombicide is KILLING it. It has already made a bajillion dollars and seeking more. Zombies and minis are both pretty far off my gaming radar, but I know this is the preeminent zombie minis game series going right now. Based on their backer total, you have already checked it out!
Quick Hits
• HOPE from Morning Players is a very attractive looking game. I HOPE they get more backers. (KS link)
Diplomacy and trade are but one path to greatness. The expansion of your navy and armies can take what should be rightfully yours. Hiring great leaders will further expand your boundaries in quick time.
Controlling a combined total of four Wonders and/or Leaders or being the first to build the Pyramids will assure victory — but there are many hurdles to overcome to achieve such heights.
• Last but not least is Apotheca from Andrew Federspiel and Knapsack Games. (KS link) This is another great looking production. It looks abstracty in a good way. When I started writing these things about two years ago, not every project looked good. There were plenty that were shaky. I am sure there still are plenty that are awful to look at, but overall KS creators have really stepped up their game.
Devise your plans by hiding ingredients in the marketplace. Reveal secrets to collect precious gems. Recruit powerful apothecaries to do your bidding. The first apprentice to make three potions becomes a member of the secret potion society!
Only clever folk can navigate this mysterious market. Can you master the world of Apotheca?
• 12 Realms: Bedtime Story from MAGE Company is the newest game in the 12 Realms series: a family-oriented storytelling game with top notch production values. (KS link)