-----• Nations 2 works like the previous Nations expansion, with each player getting one card to represent a country and gain a special power. Seven new countries and powers are represented.
-----• Rocket Technology allows you to build a rocket factory when taking the "Design Bomb" action. Rockets can replace Bombers for an additional cost or they can destroy an opponent's building.
-----• H-Bomb Technology upgrades the "Design Bomb" action, allowing a player to return two available bombs to the bottom of the deck in order to acquire an H-Bomb card. To build an H-Bomb, however, the player needs Lithium Deuteride, which comes from new cards that work similar to Mines.
Take control of one of six factions with wonderfully detailed miniatures, as you use a unique card draw mechanic to power your special abilities and defenses!
Each game lasts about an hour for the Faction Starter size, and how you manage your abilities and resources (represented by the Esper Cards) will determine the fate of the universe! Bluff your way to victory, or hide your strength till the critical moment – it's fast-paced strategy and anime action!
• Queen Games has launched another KS project, this time for Dieter Danziger's Locomotive Works, which Winsome Games first published in 2002. (KS link) As has been the case with Chicago Express, Paris Connection, and other such Winsome-born titles, Queen Games has gussied up the artwork and graphic design to give the game shelf appeal while leaving the design mostly as is. Here's a short description:
Locomotive Works is an economic game in which players purchase the ability to produce engines, pay workers to produce them, and sell to the volatile, dice-driven market. The game is best known for its unique market mechanism in which the demand for older train models dries up, often at a rapid pace as new technology is implemented.
• Publisher Inner Kingdom Games is trying to bring back the collectible card game Shadowfist, with four preconstructed decks – "one each for the Dragons, the Guiding Hand, the Ascended and the Eaters of the Lotus" – making up the "Combat in Kowloon" series. Two additional preconstructed decks are in the "Back for Seconds" expansion, and the project listing has many more details that will probably make more sense to someone who's experienced the game previously. (KS link)
• U.S. publisher Zeitgeyser LLC is looking for funds for Conquest Tactics: Inferno (KS link), an expansion for the base game described as follows:
These cards give certain factions access to spell and skill types that they've never been able to use before, gives other factions new mechanisms that reinforce their existing strategies, and expands on each factions' existing upgrade trees for troops, in addition to including victory conditions and bases that allow for new strategies and new cross-faction deck combinations.
So, I have sent initial communications over to Zoch Spiele in Germany to figure this out. If it can be worked out, then I will be glad to proceed with them as a friend and supporter.
Thank you for your support, and I will let you know if this comes back up in the future.