Hunters of Arcfall is a quick-playing dice and card game for 2-6 players. You start the game with players choosing a bounty hunter to play as. Players then take turns rolling dice to capture bounties; these bounties are shared amongst hunters so only the hunter who deals the final hit will capture the bounty. Only bounties that have been claimed are worth any points, though. You can claim bounties by ending your turn or continue the hunt and try to capture even more at the risk of losing anything you've earned. Use your hunter's special ability to gain an advantage and press your luck if you think it's safe – you never know what lurks around the next corner.
A typical game of Hunters of Arcfall lasts between 15-40 minutes depending on the number of players and the point limit.
Woodland Race is an asymmetrical race game in which audacity and strategy will be your best assets! The players build the track over successive rounds, sometimes helping Hare and sometimes helping Tortoise. Hare is fleet of foot but will often need to stop for a rest, whilst Tortoise is slow but moves with purpose. Many obstacles arise on the way, and who will win is up to you...
Each hero is represented by a hero card. One side is used for play, and the other is modelled after an old-school trading card, packed with fun facts about the hero. Each hero has unique powers: punch, kick, grab, stab, scratch, strangle, shoot, blast, explode, run, fly, teleport, mind-read, energise, heal, poison, and that's just for starters! To trigger these, each player has a deck of energy cards. Drawing these and managing your hand is key to controlling your heroes.
At the start of the game, each player chooses the heroes for their team. In the introductory game, pre-set teams are used. In the regular game, the players draft heroes into their team, looking to create balance, synergy and crazy combos.
On a turn, the player may either bring a hero into play, use a power of a hero already in play or draw energy. You also get one movement action per turn. This creates many decision points around when to play heroes and in what order, as well as the tactics of movement, defence and attack. The first player to eliminate his opponent's team wins the game!
Scalawag! is a competitive card game for 3-8 players. Each player is the captain of their own warship with the goal of eliminating all other players (or teams during Allegiance Play). Game play consists of a player issuing one Captain's Order each turn, generally allowing them to either gather additional Compass Points (the game currency) or spend Compass Points to attack their opponents.
Players support their Captain's Orders by declaring Crew. As a player's Crew Cards are kept hidden from others and bluffing is allowed, knowing when to bluff and when to call a bluff (by calling out "Scalawag!") is an important element to successful play.
The desire to sink your opponent and claim a Prize of War is weighed against how well your temporary allies are holding up. Shifting alliances to maintain a level playing field among all players isn't always easy to manage, but I think it really delivers on the fiction of a chaotic naval battle where the ships are constantly in motion, attempting to gain position on each other.
• Fans love to customize games, such as this project from the UK-based Neat Mess Games to provide customized "Stunty Dodge Dice" and "Titchy Dodge Dice" for use in Blood Bowl. (KS link) Are those real words, or is someone just trying to mess around with Games Workshop?
(Editor's note: Please don't post links to other Kickstarter projects in the comments section. Write to me via the email address in the header, and I'll consider them for inclusion in a future crowdfunding round-up. Thanks! —WEM)