German designer/publisher Steffen Mühlhäuser of Steffen-Spiele is attempting to fund a game collection titled FIVE! that will be distributed to people in refugee camps, meeting centers, and other accommodations in cooperation with the BDP Rheinland Pfalz (with the BDP being the German equivalent of Boy Scouts). As he explains in the project description:
• Ragnar Brothers, a.k.a. Gary Dicken, Steve Kendall, and Phil Kendall, are attempting to fund their fifth project on Kickstarter: Niña & Pinta, which takes a multiple worlds approach to Columbus' voyage to North America by allowing multiple players to lead multiple voyages to three simultaneous New Worlds that are comprised of randomly drawn landscape tiles. Solitaire rules are also included. (KS link)
• Shem Phillips of Garphill Games is releasing second editions of two earlier releases: Cibola from 2013 in which two players race to find the seven golden cities, and the animal combat card game Woodlands from 2014. (KS link)
• Luca Macelloni's Il Gioco del Ponte recreates the annual "battle of the bridge" in Pisa between Tramontana and Mezzogiorno. The game was funded in a super snazzy edition on Spieleschmiede in early 2015, and now Italian site Giochistarter plans to run a similar campaign should enough people express interest in the game.
• Wordwright from Defined Mind gives players roots, prefixes, and suffixes, then throws a handful of games at them that uses these bits. (KS link)
• Jon Manker demonstrated his two-player abstract strategy game HIRÞ — which is designed to look, feel and play like a game from the time of Vikings — at Spiel 2015, and he's now funding an "ancient" edition of the game. (KS link) An overview of gameplay: