The Battle of Red Cliffs includes a special tier system of scoring requiring a player to hit a certain point target in order to reach the next tier. The game ends when one player or team reaches a certain Rank level; the player or team with highest score wins.
One note of interest for retailers – and something I haven't seen referenced elsewhere – is that Kickstarter apparently no longer allows for project reward levels aimed at retailers. On July 26, 2012, Playroom added this note on the KB Quest – Deluxe Edition project:
• A bit off the beaten path, Dana Jorgensen has a Kickstarter project for the creation of braille tactile dice. (KS link) An excerpt from the project description:
The faces and pips are formed by removal of material from the facing surface, forming a depression the braille pips rise in. As a result, a rim exists on each die face. To provide a "bottom" to orient the die for correct reading, one side of this lip will be rippled along the side of the depression, while the other sides of the lip will remain smooth.
Heroes of Metro City uses dynamic deck-building combined with unique Energy Source slots to create a power management mechanism (using your Hero Placard) that lets you decide which powers and abilities are most important for each turn. The Hero Placard also helps to guide you through the six phases of each turn.
To succeed, the Heroes must do battle with hordes of Minions, diabolical Villains, and the Archenemy who leads them! The more Energy and Powers a Hero develops, the closer he gets to defeating their Archenemy. The first player to defeat the Archenemy wins the game...unless the Archenemy destroys so much of Metro City that there's nothing left to save!