In fierce battles in Berserk: War of Realms, your life and the lives of your trusted armies will depend on your skill as a strategist and a warlord. And then, when in the heat of battle you forget about your wounds, forget about the future and about the past, you will understand why this is not simply a game. It is Berserk.
• With its Archon crowdfunding project still underway, Greek publisher Artipia Games has started a second campaign for Among the Stars: The Ambassadors through LudiCreations. (KS link) Here's an overview of what those ambassadors do and what's in the box:
These ambassadors are introduced in the game with the addition of a fourth action that allows the players to invite them to their station and make them part of their Council. Each ambassador comes with a different ability, based on his race's strengths and capabilities. However, there is limited space in each player's Council so they have to choose wisely who they are going to invite.
Among the Stars: The Ambassadors is a boxed expansion for Among the Stars featuring more than 150 new cards. Apart from the Ambassador cards, it includes more than twenty different new Locations, new Objectives, and a new Alien race.
The two grandsons of the King of Albalonga – the twins Romolo and Remo, descendants of Enea of Troy – don't want to miss an opportunity to dominate the region and, acting against each other, try to establish two cities close to the Tiber river. Their enterprise is not easy as the King of Antemnae and the King of Crustumerium will also fight to dominate this area! Who will prevail?
In Romolo o Remo?, players act as Kings of the new cities in the Latium and have to compete with each other in order to gain control of the whole Region. Players must manage their kingdom and their growing settlement. Two aspects are crucial: the citizens, as players act with citizens to take many different actions, and the territory, as players can act only in the territories they are able to control – excluding when they go to war, of course! If the population grows, they can take more actions, but they must feed all of them as well. Money, resources, trades, city buildings, and specialized characters increase a player's possibilites, and soldiers, mercenaries, and war declarations can change the game's storyline at any moment. Who will able to build the strongest city? Who will be the founder of a new civilization – or perhaps even an Empire?
• BGG user Sebastian Wenzel has a crowdfunding project on Startnext to fund a German YouTube-style show about board games. (Startnext link) In his GeekList about German crowdfunding projects, Daniel Denzer describes Wenzel and his project as follows: