• Less expected but so far equally successful is Reid Cuddy and Bruno Gervasi's Inceptor, a self-published game from first-time designers that transforms Christopher Nolan's movie Inception into a board game, apparently without objection from Warner Brothers according to the KS project. (KS link) Seems roll-and-movey from the demo video, but the game picked up coverage from The Verge, so kudos to them.
• Alban Viard's Sim City-style building game Town Center is back with a fourth edition from LudiCreations, with this edition having a bigger box, an updated rulebook, revamped player boards, a larger cube bag, a new central game board to track points and summarize gameplay, and the inclusion of Town Center: Expansion n°2, which features city-building in NYC. (KS link)
• Speaking of quickly-funded projects, have you heard about the latest moneyball from Cool Mini Or Not, the campaign-based fantasy game Arcadia Quest from the design quartet of Eric M. Lang, Thiago Aranha, Guilherme Goulart and Fred Perret? (KS link) In a mere day, this project gathered $170k in support, with players apparently being eager to "lead guilds of intrepid heroes on an epic campaign to dethrone the vampire lord and reclaim the mighty Arcadia for their own". Pandas, chibi miniatures, a Kickstarter exclusive campaign titled "The Nameless" — this project is loaded with spending triggers!
• The Zont Deck is a game system from designer/artist Kevin Omans (a.k.a. Snamo Zont) with a unique deck of 55 cards in five suits, with each suit having a special power that comes into play based on upon which game you're playing. The KS project has an overview of three existing games — Ten, Key and Bazaar — with game rules being available on TheZontDeck.com. (KS link)
• Meeple Source is featuring more than eighty different meeple designs on a KS project, with still more designs to be added based on the votes of those backing the project. In addition to generic nuns, fairies, hula girls and swamp monsters, backers can choose a set of one hundred meeples for Lords of Waterdeep or a set of 112 meeples for use with KS darling Tiny Epic Kingdoms or a set of eight meeples for use with (what else) Carcassonne. (KS link)
• Lest I forget another fast-riser, Mantic Games' DreadBall Xtreme — a new version of DreadBall: The Futuristic Sports Game that includes new teams, a customizable battlefield and special-powered sponsors that give direction to your team-building — hit its $100k funding goal in 38 minutes. Beta rules are available on the Mantic Games website, although you need to register in order to access them. (KS link)
• Designer Luke Laurie and Cosmic Wombat Games is back on KS for a second go at funding Stones of Fate, a quick-playing area control game in which players place fate stones (natch) around cards in a 3x3 grid in order to claim them or other cards for points and special abilities. (KS link)
• Bulgarian publisher MAGE Company is on KS once again, this time with a new version of Pierre Canuel's Höyük, a tile-laying settlement-building game set in the Middle East ten thousand years in the past. (KS link) For those in Europe who prefer things auf Deutsch, German crowdfunding site Spieleschmiede is also running a funding campaign for Höyük.
• Kill Shakespeare is the debut title of IDW Games, which is releasing this Thomas Vande Ginste and Wolf Plancke design in co-operation with Pandasaurus Games, which released their game Yedo in the U.S. (KS link) In this area-control game, players must collectively defeat King Richard and Lady Macbeth, while routing their forces, liberating territories, and working toward their individual goals.
• Ben Haskett is taking his set-collection game Tower, first available via The Game Crafter, and running a KS campaign to bring out an edition with sweetly stackable wooden tower bits. In the game, players use gems to purchase resources they need for towers — but with only 18 resources (of four types!) in the entire game, players will need to beg, borrow or steal to get what they need. (KS link)
• I had included James Ernest's pub card game Pairs as a forthcoming item in a previous c.f. round-up, and that project is now underway and already funded to the tune of $68k, which is kind of amazing for such a light design — and I say that as a fan of the game, mind you. (KS link)
• RAINN Studios' War of Kings is another title I previewed previously — at least I think I did — and this miniature-filled game of resource-gathering, army-raising, and opponent's-butt-kicking has already met its $25k and then some. (KS link)
• Cthulhu: The Great Old One from designer Dann Kriss and his Dann Kriss Games seems like a go-fishy take on set collection of forces best left beneath this Earth. (KS link)
• With Pijin, designer Travis Feldman is offering a phonetic version of Scrabble crossed with Apples to Apples, with players combining tiles that bear 37 phonemes into "words" in order to score points. Something for all the linguists in the audience! (KS link)
• The Convicted by designer Mateusz Albricht is a co-operative board game in which the players are apparently freed convicts who now try to clear their name by working together to help a colony defend itself against invaders. I'll confess not being entirely clear on what the game is about, but the KS project has lots of videos and pictures, but not much in writing. The rulebook is on the BGG page, though, for those who want to aide their fellow geeks in discovering what this thing is all about. (KS link)
• Finally, for this time, Brazilian publisher FunBox Jogos is running a crowdfunding campaign on its own website for a Portuguese version of Rikki Tahta's Coup, complete with oh-so-stylish graphic design and illustrations from Luis Francisco and Weberson Santiago. Those in Brazil should head to the local site, while everyone else needs the international support page, which includes an option for pick-up at Spiel 2014 (no shipping fee!) and a six-pack option that drops shipping from $22 for a single copy to $5 per copy.