In order to organize what I'm doing and make it easier for you to spot what's new on a list, I've grouped new and upcoming game releases into three categories:
• Games hitting retail between June 1 and August 31, 2020 (roughly Origins and Gen Con)
• Games hitting retail from Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, 2020 (a.k.a. SPIEL '20 titles)
• Games hitting retail from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020 (holiday releases)
The New Game Release preview for June-August 2020 is live, debuting with 59 titles listed and with more being added as publishers respond to a survey that I sent out in early June and as I go through distributor lists that highlight release dates. I'll most likely publish the Sept-Oct preview near the beginning of August 2020, which was the planned publication date for the SPIEL '20 Preview.
Note that these previews are solely for game releases. I'm not cataloguing Kickstarter launch dates and game demoes on online platforms. Many folks love previewing future releases at conventions, but I'm not covering conventions in these previews, so I decided to stick with what's hitting stores so that folks staying at home know what's available to them when.
Note also that since BGG is a global site, these new game release previews will list games to be released in retail outlets that aren't necessarily in your country. If something sounds good to you, ideally you'll find a way to get it onto your table.
If you're a publisher that plans to release a game between June and December 2020, but you didn't receive a survey from me, please comment or email me, and I'll send you the link.