For those not familiar with Game Market, I invite you to read this convention report from Simon Lundström about his experience at Tokyo Game Market in November 2014. In short, Game Market takes place three times annually (twice in Tokyo and once in Osaka), and it's a game fair where many designers present their own creations in small quantities that you may or may not ever see again once the fair ends. As Lundström writes, "Some people who check out Japon Brand's booth at Spiel have complained about the games not being available after the fair. Well, Game Market is Japon Brand's booth — only about a hundred times as big."
I've been rereading posts like this one in preparation for my trip, in addition to creating a Tokyo Game Market • May 2015 Preview to track games that I've reserved, games from designers and publishers who might already have a presence outside of Japan, and games that look interesting for one reason or another. My standards for listing games are somewhat ambiguous for this first TGM Preview as I don't know enough to know all that I don't know. (If, by chance, you'll be at TGM with a game to sell, please let me know. Once we get the game in the BGG database, I can then add it to the TGM Preview.)
My enthusiasm over games from Japan might have been a tad apparent to some who read BGG News, especially given all of the preview videos that I do in the run up to Spiel, and I'm incredibly excited to attend Tokyo Game Market and see all that there is to see, especially because I'm not sure when I'll be able to do this again in the future. I look forward to sharing the experience and possibly giving you a head's up as to which games you can expect to see at Spiel or possibly elsewhere!