Michael Kiesling's Vikings — first released in 2007 by Hans im Glück and rereleased on May 21, 2014 by Z-Man Games — is an archetypal Eurogame, with players challenging one another within...
• Herner Spielewahnsinn — an annual event in Herne, Germany during which many designers and publishers show off titles that will be released at the subsequent Spiel — took place the weekend...
Party games are a kind of game I didn't touch very much, not because I don't like them — I looooooove funny games when they are good, such as Time's Up!, Spot it!, and Liar's Dice) — but...
The nominees for the 2014 Spiel des Jahres — Germany's game of the year award and the most influential award in boardgaming — have been announced, along with nominees for the 2014 Kennerspiel...
• Z-Man Games has announced that it will bring Michael Schacht's Zooloretto back into print starting in Q3 2014. This "King of the Beasts" edition mirrors the 2013 revised "Löwenedition" of...