At the moment my only appointment is after hours on Thursday, but I'm sure that will change. (If you're really lucky, we'll see each other in the evening and I'll rope you into a game of my own creation.)
BGG will also have a presence at Gen Con, which runs August 15-18, but unlike in 2012 when Scott Reed and I carried equipment around and tried to interview people whenever and wherever we could fit in, we should have a more stable set-up. If you plan to release games or show off prototypes at Gen Con, email me and I'll (1) post about the games on BGG News as I've already done for other titles being shown there and (2) add the games to the Gen Con 2013 Preview, which will go live once Origins has ended. If you have preorder information for your games, I can add that to the Gen Con 2013 Preview as well.
And Spiel 2013, taking place October 24-27, is already looming on the horizon with more than three dozen items on the Spiel 2013 Preview (which will go live on July 1, 2013) and lots more in the BGG database that I've yet to add to the Preview. BGG plans to have its usual set-up at this show, with lots of demo games being live-streamed for hours on end.
Designers and publishers, I'll warn you now that things get incredibly hectic in the run-up to Spiel and I can't possibly stay on top of everything no matter how many hours I spend at the news desk. (I speak from six years of experience here, with the workload having increased each year.) With that in mind, feel free to send me Spiel 2013 information as soon as you have it and (if necessary) slap an embargo date on the information. I won't post about the game on BGGN or add it to the Preview or BGG database ahead of that date, but having the information ahead of time will allow me to write news releases in advance and stay somewhat ahead of the tidal wave, at least for a few weeks. Even better, submit the game to the BGG database yourself; if you don't want information about the game to leak out ahead of a certain date, include an embargo date in the "Note to Admin" section and use a codename on your submission, e.g., Codename: Octopus Kisser.
I'd like to not lose my mind in early October this year, as I tend to do, and every bit of information helps. Thanks for your contribution to my mental health!