Can You Take Control of Planet B in October 2022?

Can You Take Control of Planet B in October 2022?
For the past couple of days, I've focused almost entirely on the Gen Con 2022 Preview and the SPIEL '22 Preview, catching up on my inbox, working on survey responses from publishers, and poking publishers scheduled to be at Gen Con who have not yet responded. Thus, I haven't been writing much about games.


German publisher Hans im Glück announced a fascinating-sounding title outside of its normal wheelhouse — at least in subject matter — so I thought I'd highlight this first design from HIG developer Johannes Natterer, a game for 2-4 players that plays in 1-3 hours. Here's the short take on Planet B, due out in October 2022:
At some point in the not-so-distant future, we humans had to look for a new place to live. Just when we thought we'd have to settle for Mars, we suddenly discovered a new planet, one we lovingly christened "Planet B". It was a second chance for humanity, and of course we were determined to do everything right this time because as everyone knows, we humans learn very well from our mistakes...

Board Game: Planet B

In Planet B, you slip into the role of corrupt governors. You make crooked deals with corporations to advance your own interests. You build your city, let the population work for you, rise in the favor of political factions, or control the news. Of course, all of this comes at a price — and by the time you're vying for the presidency, you'll want potential voters to be on your side. In the end, as always, only one thing counts: Who has managed to pocket the most government money?


Designer Diary: Paint the Roses

Designer Diary: Paint the Roses

Jul 19, 2022

I'm Ben Goldman, designer of Paint the Roses.I developed board games at North Star Games for six years, working on Climate, Most Wanted, and Oceans, but this was the first time I had nearly...

Game Overview: Sniper Elite, or The Art of Sneaking Past Your Friends

Game Overview: Sniper Elite, or The Art of Sneaking Past Your Friends

Jul 19, 2022

David Thompson and Roger Tankersley's Sniper Elite: The Board Game from Rebellion Unplugged is a new hidden movement game for 1-4 players based on Rebellion’s popular, stealth-shooter Sniper...

Game Overview: Kites, or Mind Your Lines

Game Overview: Kites, or Mind Your Lines

Jul 18, 2022

Kites from Kevin Hamano and Floodgate Games is a quick-playing co-operative game that cleverly represents a physical activity — flying kites — in an abstract way. Color-coded sand timers...

More Dune, Disney, and Doctor Who for Your Gaming Table

More Dune, Disney, and Doctor Who for Your Gaming Table

Jul 17, 2022

In today's market, every successful media franchise has a game or twelve. Here are a few recently announced titles that will hit the market in the next year or so:• Gale Force Nine started...

Cascadia Wins 2022 Spiel des Jahres; Living Forest Wins Kennerspiel

Cascadia Wins 2022 Spiel des Jahres; Living Forest Wins Kennerspiel

Jul 16, 2022

Cascadia from Randy Flynn and Flatout Games, with a German release from KOSMOS, has won the 2022 Spiel des Jahres, beating out Scout and Top Ten.Living Forest from Aske Christiansen and...
