Here's all that I know about the game right now, aside from its March 15, 2021 release date:
Mission ISS begins in 1998 when the first module of the ISS was built. From your control center, you give instructions to the astronauts in space. At first only a few crew members are on the station, but over time you bring more astronauts to the station to add new modules, carry out various research assignments, or just drift in weightlessness. As on the real space station, the co-operation between the players and the coordination of the astronauts determine the success of the ISS mission. Only together will you be able to master the challenge of space.
Die Tavernen im Tiefen Thal: Zimmer frei! is due out in May 2021.
• Another familiar-sounding title for early 2021 from Schmidt Spiele is Kannste knicken, a 1-4 player game from Ralph Querfurth and Klaus-Jürgen Wrede that's the newest entry in Schmidt's "klein & fein" line of roll-and-write games.
Here's an overview of this March 2021 release:
You can fold over a corner of your paper, but only after marking all of the smiley faces in that corner. But will you fold over the corner just a little bit or much more? You need to mark off more smiley faces to "bend" more of the paper, but you receive a permanent bonus each time that you do. Whoever first bends all four corners on their player sheet, then connects the revealed target symbols on their sheet wins.
Kannste knicken includes four types of player sheets with differing degrees of difficulty.