This game, co-designed with Antoine Bauza, has been signed by Space Cowboys — possibly for publication in late 2016, as Lang notes in the video below, but possibly later — and since the game is still in development, don't expect it to look anything like what Lang shows. As for the gameplay, I've summarized Lang's description as follows:
In Victorian Masterminds, you use five agents to destroy buildings, kidnap scientists, complete missions, and collect resources in order to assemble your custom death-dealing device. Don't forget to increase your firepower, too, so that you can then put that device to good use.
During the game, players take turns placing one of their five agent tokens (Henchman, Machine, Saboteur, Pilot, Number 2) face down on one of the five actions spaces. As soon as three tokens are on a space, those tokens are flipped and activated, first in first out, with each agent carrying out its individual action in addition to whatever takes place in that space.