The biggest player in this field (for this round-up) might be Gamelyn Games, which found more than 12,000 backers who provided over $400,000 worth of funding for Tiny Epic Galaxies in early 2015. Now Gamelyn is preparing for a January 2016 launch of Scott Almes' Tiny Epic Western, and Gamelyn's Michael Coe blazes an explanatory trail through the design without taking a breath.
• The Opulent from designers Casey Willett and Aaron Yung and publisher Black Locust Games is a 1-4 player co-op game set during Prohibition in the U.S., with players trying to keep their speakeasy profitable year after year on a decade-long campaign. The cover art isn't final, but it nicely echoes the style of Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby.
• Brent Critchfield's Gruff from Studio Woe is an expandable card game about "mutated monster goats", and I'm tickled that when told this, Phoebe gives a slight nod and mutters "Yep" as if she hears such things all the time. Sure, sure, mutated monster goats, walking walls, sandwiches that eat their makers — I've heard it all before...
• "Not for people who like to sit around and eat sandwiches." That's the warning offered by MomentumVolsk for TJ Dunbar's Castle Assault, which is probably sensible given how hard it would be to climb a ladder or operate a catapult while wielding a hoagie.