• While focusing on the newly released Council of Verona at BGG.CON 2013, publisher Patrick Nickell of Crash Games explained how to play Tory Niemann's Pay Dirt, which Crash Games anticipates releasing in 2014. I have fun ribbing Patrick about whatever I can, but I regret overlooking the opportunity to jest about the temperature dropping based on the action chosen by the first player. Theme cracked! Not that I care about such things when playing games, but the jest unmade fills me with bitter tears of regret.)
• Due out in mid-2014 is Spurs: A Tale in the Old West from designer Ole Steiness and designer/publisher Sean Brown of Mr. B Games. Brown is the one explaining how to play the game, but I neglected to mention his name until the final seconds. Oops!
• Finally, in the category of not-quite-a-preview-since-the-game-is-already-out-in-France, we have the party game Think Again! from designers Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc and publishers IELLO and Le Scorpion Masqué. IELLO's Stephan Brissaud gives an overview of how to play.