Philippe Nouhra, CEO of Funforge, said, "Funforge is excited to collaborate with Asmodee for its distribution. We are confident that Funforge's strong titles like the Tokaido line of products, combined with Asmodee's presence and motivation, will push our games to an unprecedented level of success and bring joy to a broader audience."
As Gus from French game news site Gus and Co pointed out at the time of the purchase:
It will be weird for Asmodée to highlight other publishers, distributors and games than those of their stables... I can hardly imagine Apple touting the merits of Samsung phones on their site...
Now, don't be fooled either, Tric Trac has been in "commercial showcase" mode for a long time. Publishers can even pay to publish their own sponsored promotional items. Over the years, and through the need for money, Tric Trac has swapped this old thing, information, to get started in communication.
• In April 2019, Asmodee Entertainment announced the founding of a fiction imprint called Aconyte that would publish "novels based on many of Asmodee's best game properties", and in November 2019, Aconyte's publishing coordinator Nick Tyler revealed the line-up that will be released starting in May 2020:
May 2020
—Arkham Horror: Wrath of N'Kai, by Josh Reynolds: There's an ancient artefact on display in Arkham, and everyone wants to get their hands on it... big mistake. (author interview)
—Legend of the Five Rings: Curse of Honor, by David Annandale: A band of samurai from the Crab clan discover an abandoned city on the edge of the Shadowlands, and what they find there changes them forever. (author interview)
June 2020
—Pandemic: Patient Zero, by Amanda Bridgeman: First week in the new job at the Global Health Agency for talented epidemiologist Bodhi Patel, and there's an outbreak in Brazil that needs expert attention.
—KeyForge: Tales from the Crucible, edited by Charlotte Llewelyn‐Wells: Introducing the Crucible, the extraordinary artificial world at the centre of the universe where a myriad species have been assembled by unknown forces.
July 2020
—Descent–Journeys in the Dark: The Doom of Fallowhearth, by Robbie MacNiven: The Baroness of Forthyn's daughter has gone missing, and the trail seems to lead to the deepest, darkest part of Blind Muir Forest.
August 2020
—Arkham Horror: The Last Ritual, by S A Sidor: Infamous European surrealist Juan Hugo Balthazarr is being feted by the great and good of Arkham high society, but his art is darker than anyone can imagine.
—Legend of the Five Rings: Poison River, by Josh Reynolds: Introducing Daidoji Shinn, wastrel son of a Crane clan, who has discovered he has a passion for investigating mysteries.
Aside from these titles, in October 2019, Aconyte landed a multi-year agreement with Marvel Entertainment to "create new prose stories based around an exciting roster of Marvel's comic book characters", with the first such novels due to appear in Q4 2020. An excerpt from the press release announcing the deal:
First, the comma between "universes" and "empower" should not be there. Don't separate a sentence's noun and verb with a comma, no matter how long the noun is! I see this error frequently in submitted game descriptions and elsewhere.
Second, why would new players want to "discover and learn basic mechanics step-by-step"? What a strange way to try to entice someone to play a game? "Hey, do you want to participate in an introduction to tiles-&-tactics and objective completion?" No. That is not the way to introduce a game to new players.
Third: Oh, wait, "these games are nice gateways for deeper tactical board games", which makes it clear that this promotional message is aimed at gamers who need candy to entice others to the gaming table, er, tablet, not a message for those who are unfamiliar with these games. Again, weird. I don't get it. Your job as a marketer should be to convince me, the gamer unfamiliar with these designs, to play them because they're good games, not present them as a gateway to something else. The Aconyte marketing team does a better job of pitching the item itself to the potential audience in question.