Now without further ado, here's the current North American release schedule for Asmodee. Note that more titles will likely be added to the list as the year progresses. I've noted the original publisher of a title when possible if Asmodee is serving as distributor.
March 2011
• 7 Wonders – restock from a new printing of this Antoine Bauza/Repos Production hotness.
• Dixit – restock of this Spiel des Jahres winner from Libellud.
April 2011
• Bugs & Co – a new Libellud title from Bruno Faidutti and the designers behind Jungle Speed.
• Identik expansions #1 & 2 – presumably Identik expansions Bleu and Rouge (released in Europe in 2010) with new names for a new market.
• 7 Wonders – yet another restock from yet another printing.
• Gosu – restock of this Moonster Games release.
May 2011
• Cyclades expansion – for details on this item, take a listen to co-designer Bruno Cathala in this video from Asmodee.
• Felinia – a new Michael Schacht design from Matagot that appeared in extremely small numbers at Spiel 2010 due to production issues.
• Galapa Go! – a new title from MJ Games, a publisher which never responds to my requests for more info. Bummer.
• Gosu: Kamakor – an expansion for Kim Satô's fantastic card game, introducing five new goblin clans.
• PIX – a game from Swiss publisher GameWorks in which players emulate old school video games by trying to render images with as few pixels as possible.
• Sultans – another new title from MJ Games.
• Vizia – still another new title from MJ Games.
June 2011
• Dice Town expansion – the Cathala interview linked to under Cyclades has info on this title, too.
• Dixit 2 – restock
July 2011
• Dixit Odyssey – a new expansion/stand-alone game from Jean-Louis Roubira and Libellud.
• Fame Us – a party game from designer Christophe Hermier and Moonster Games.
• 7 Wonders: Leaders – undoubtedly only the first expansion for this addictive title from Antoine Bauza.
August 2011
• Claustrophobia expansion – Croc's short description of the expansion: "Lots of scenarios and a bit of everything: tiles, cards, minis for both humans and demons."
• Dr. Shark – a new title from Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala being produced by Hurrican; for a, um, highly evocative (but not very informative) take on the game, check out this video on Jeux sur un Plateau, recorded at Nürnberg 2011.
• Evo – as mentioned in this BGG News post, Asmodee has ressurected the Descartes brand, and a new edition of Philippe Keyaerts' Evo will be the first release in the new line.
September 2011
• Timeline: Inventions – the Frédéric Henry design released as Timeline by Hazgaard Editions in late 2010.
October 2011
• Ghost Stories: Black Secret – as noted in this BGG News post; nothing more than a title from this Repos Production release at the moment.
• Texas Zombies – a new version of Ryo Kawakami's Cat & Chocolate from Moonster Games, with zombies replacing the spirits and haunted house elements of the Japanese production.
• Timeline: Discoveries – a sequel/expansion to the first Timeline game, which is due out May 2011 in France.
For comparison, you might be interested in checking out the 2011 releases from Asmodee Ibérica – the Spanish wing of Asmodee – as reported on JugamosTod@s. Some of the titles on that list might still show up in North America, whether from Asmodee or other publishers.