The game is played over four chapters — Arrival at the Camp, The Chase, The Massacre, and The Final Chapter — and each chapter plays out differently as the hunter becomes the prey, then comes back from the dead looking for revenge.
• Ares Games has also announced a deal with designers Oleksandr Nevskiy and Oleg Sidorenko of IGames to release their card game Behind the Throne in English, Italian, Spanish and Chinese, with the game being out in those languages in Q3 2016. Here's what the game is about:
Behind the Throne is quick and simple card game in which players collect sets of cards to get new special abilities. Player earn victory points for the heroes they collect, and whoever has the most victory points at the end of the game wins.
In more detail, players play and draw cards, with each card showing either an item or a mission. Players call to one another for the items needed to fulfill missions; everybody plays their items on the stack, then you can play your mission on the stack and it will be fulfilled... Easy, isn't it? Except you have only five minutes to go through the whole deck, and each item played at the wrong time will burden your backpack, and risk bringing you one step closer to failure...