Answering the Critics — More on The Smart Gamer's Guide to Putting Away Games

Answering the Critics — More on The Smart Gamer's Guide to Putting Away Games
Board Game: Clean Up Your Room!
In December 2021, I published an overview of how I tear down and set up games, and I invited others to give this system a try.

Few people seemed interested in doing so, and dozens, if not hundreds, of objections to the system were posted on BGG, YouTube, and elsewhere. I responded to some of these criticisms in the days following the video, but given the volume of complaints and the number of times that certain topics were brought up, I thought I'd attempt to address the major topics all at once, giving more background as to why I think this system is reasonable and why, as much as you might think otherwise, I'm not treating my games disrespectfully.

As I acknowledged in the original video, this system isn't ideal for all games, but I think it makes sense for a large number of games. Admittedly, I would have rejected this system myself a decade ago, but a lot can happen in ten years, including learning more about what you value and how you want to live.

Topics covered:

• 00:51 - Smart?! More like smrt
• 02:54 - This system won't work for game X
• 05:40 - You're playing Qwirkle wrong
• 10:41 - Why not just put all of your belongings in a giant pile?
• 13:37 - Your system doesn't save any time
• 15:12 - I would never buy a game from you
• 19:29 - Stop disrespecting the games!


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