• Sean Brown at Mr. B Games has run two Kickstarter campaigns since leaving Eagle/Gryphon, and both Spurs and Alien Uprising will be available by Gen Con in August. Realm of Heroes from Scott DeMers will be his next release, and that game is undergoing a KS campaign now. Here's an overview from Brown on prototype components showing how to play the game:
• Mark Major's Jupiter Rescue was originally available through The Game Crafter under the title Jupiter Deep, but it was picked up by Twilight Creations after publisher Kerry Breitenstein saw the game in action during a "designer date" session.
• My wife and I have hosted a lot of exchange students, and each time we struggle with the ideal way to describe to them what the word "cheesy" means as they don't seem to recognize the concept. I can't imagine cheesiness is something unique to the U.S., and unfortunately Dale Tolley's Cheesonomics from Gryphon Games won't help our explanation process as the game deals with actual cheese and not cheesy culture.
• The four titles in Mike Fitzgerald's Mystery Rummy series of card games are returning to print in a joint effort from Gryphon Games and U.S. Games Systems, and they'll be joined by a new fifth title in the series: Mystery Rummy: Escape from Alcatraz, a co-design with Andrew Korson of a design he originally released in a print-and-play format. Rick Schrand from Gyphon Games presents an overview of the series, and