Additional trouble comes from picking up poison ivy while doing yard work. You think I'd recognize the stupid plant by now since I'm terribly allergic to it and I'm 45 years old, but no, once again I need to scald myself in the shower a couple of times a day so that my face stops itching. Add a giant cluster of blisters between two fingers and now you're talking real fun.
In any case, if you're headed to BGG.CON 2013, I hope the list can suggest a few new titles to try out, not least of which is because it contains about two dozen prototypes for which designers and publishers want your feedback. I'm struggling to complete something large and weird that bears the acronym KCS, but I'll refrain from saying more in case I can't pull it together in time. Don't want to get your hopes up for what would be THE gaming experience of the con! (Ah, man, now I went and got your hopes up...)