
Mysteries? (2013)

Hạng: 6925
3-8 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.80/5

Tác Giả: Daniel Quodbach

Họa Sĩ: Igor Polouchine

Nhà Phát Hành: IELLO

Mysteries? is a game of riddle and deduction in which one player has to come up with subtle clues to make others guess a word.

First, the "Master of Mysteries" discreetly draws a card and a category tile to know which word they must make the other players guess. (The twelve categories are book, film/TV, music/song, famous person, generic person, shape/color, number, matter, item, place, animal, and verb.) They then set down a square of nine (3x3) category tiles on the table (including the one she just drew). In turns, other players choose a category. If it matches the word to be guessed, the "Master of Mysteries" says so and sets the tile aside; if not, they must either give a clue matching this category, then flip the tile (which cannot be chosen again), or discard the tile and place it back in the bag. At the end of each turn, the active player can make one guess, and if their answer is right, both the guesser and the Master of Mysteries scores as many points as the number of non-discarded tiles chosen during that round.

After a clue has been given or a tile discarded, any player can interrupt the game by saying they know the answer. Any other players can then do the same. Then, in clockwise order, each of them gives one answer, and either wins this round or is eliminated until next round.

After a certain number of rounds (depending on the number of players), the player with the most points wins.

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