
Mr. Bean The Game (1998)

Hạng: --
3-10 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: --
Độ khó: --

You might have to act it out.....or draw a picture of it....or mime it.
It is the Secret Clue on the Mr. Bean QUIZ card - a person, a thing, a famous expression, a funny situation. And you, as Mr. Bean, have to get your team to guess what it is.
It gets very funny! You might have to say it - but without using your voice! Or write it - upside down, with the paper on someone's back - while they're walking away!

If your team guesses the Clue in time, you keep your place on the board. If not, back you go.

Even the rules are fun to read !! Tsk ! Tsk !

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