
Monopoly Bid (2020)

Buy, swap, or steal properties to complete color sets.

Hạng: 17225
2-5 Người chơi
15-20 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.17/5

Nhà Phát Hành: Hasbro

The Monopoly Bid game is a game of chance, luck, and strategy as players bid in blind auctions, pay with money cards, steal properties with Action cards, and change their luck with Wild cards. Played in rounds, everyone gets a chance to host an auction. When it's time to bid on a property, players choose how much money they want to risk. Then everyone shouts, "1, 2, 3, Bid!" and lays their money cards down. The player who bid the most money gets that property. Collect 3 property sets to win.

—description from the publisher's website

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