
Mix Tape (2022)

Record songs, write notes, and play your songs to your crush.

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
30-45 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Rob Newton

Họa Sĩ: James Churchill

Nhà Phát Hành: Talon Strikes Studios LLC

As you tune into the hottest radio station’s, you unwrap a new blank cassette tape and position your fingers on the play/record buttons waiting for that perfect song to air. As it plays, you press down and think about how it makes you feel and jot that feeling onto the paper insert hoping to share your emotions to your love. With each song, the tape fills up side A, is ejected, and continues on side B. Once the tape has your hits recorded on it, your slide it back into the case surrounded by the paper insert with your notes on it. Now is off to give your crush the Mix Tape.

Mix Tape is a card game where players draw cards from 3 decks, place a song onto their tableau or activate each song's Play power.

When a player has recorded 10 songs (5 on side A and 5 on side B), victory points are totaled. A player earns victory points from
the matches between the player's crush card and songs recorded, notes written down, each song has a point value, each song has a tempo bonus which depends on the next song recorded), and the mixer levels.

The player with the most victory points, wins.

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Sorry, we can’t still find where to play this game online. If you know, please email us via [email protected]

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