Welcome to the MatematiKart Tournament !!
Every year, the fastest animals in the world get together for a karting race. The Cheetah, the Gazelle, the Coyote and the Hare employ all of the irwit, intelligence and agility trying to be come the champion this year so they take home the fabled Best Driver Cup. Who might be this year’s winner?
The game has 3 levels of difficulty:
Level 1: for children that count with one hand.
Level 2: For children that count with both hands
Level 3: For children that count with 2 digit numbers
This didactic material allow students to develop:
– The ability to mentally perform ADDITIONS and SUBTRACTIONS between numbers with one or two ciphers.
– Logical thinking
– The ability to evaluate risks.
– Strategic thinking.
1 RaceTrackBoard
27 ItemCards
4 Kart Tokens
8 Banana Tokens
1 ProximityRuler
1 ResultsSheet
1 Rulebook
MatematiKart is part of a group of games created to encourage kids to self-learn mathematics in a didactic way.
Unlike other products, the Langley Didactic Material has been designed primarily for teaching purposes, which make sit a fun and captivating tool. It is not a game created to teach math, but a didactic tool that allows forengaging and entertaininglearning.