
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – What Lies Within (2016)

What's in the cellar of this abandoned home?

Hạng: --
1-5 Người chơi
120-150 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: 3.33/5

Nhà Phát Hành: Fantasy Flight Games

A murder in Southside leaves a home abandoned–except for the strange noises coming from the cellar…

What Lies Within is a scenario for 1-5 investigators in which a murder is only the beginning of the inexplicable occurrences in one Arkham mansion. Investigators will explore a murder scene, fend off terrible creatures, encounter strange phenomena, and investigate the noises coming from the cellar of the supposedly empty house. They must discover why the victim was murdered–and what he did with his life before it was so violently ended–in order to leave the mansion alive.

—description from the publisher

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