
Maki Stack (2018)

Blindfolded Sushi Stacking.

Hạng: 9290
2-6 Người chơi
10-15 Phút
Tuổi: 7+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Order's up, so it's time for a sushi showdown! Balance and arrange the sushi, plates, and soy sauce bottles, and make sure to execute the order exactly as shown on the card. Be careful because one wrong move and everything might tumble over! Use your fingers as chopsticks to stack pieces, or play in team mode, with each teammate using only one hand and one finger. Maybe you'll play in blindfold mode, with you guiding your teammate as they blindly build the tower of sushi.

Be the fastest solo chef or culinary team to master the art of sushi stacking and win Maki Stack, which is playable by two, four, or six players.

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