
Make a wordsearch (2021)

Explore a book, 'recycling' the words to make new words in a teeny 'wordsearch'!

Hạng: --
1-99 Người chơi
30-60 Phút
Tuổi: 13+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Bez Shahriari

Họa Sĩ: Bez Shahriari

Nhà Phát Hành: Stuff By Bez

You've had 'roll and write' and 'flip and write'. This is a 'read and write' game.

Each turn, flip to a page of a book and use the first word as a randomiser.

Each turn, you'll fill one square in a 5x5 grid, until - after 25 turns - it's full. Try to make words, which can run in any of the 8 directions. Score points for using letters and making longer words!

The length of the word in the book determines the line you write a letter on and the letters in the word are your options for letters to write.

At the end, score one point for each letter used (so a maximum of 25), 1pt bonus for ever 4-letter word, and 3pts bonus for each 5-letter word you made.

—description from the designer

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