
Major Campaigns of General Douglas MacArthur (1974)

Hạng: 15411
2 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 2.25/5

The game allows you to play in three of the famous General's important campaigns. The 3 scenarios are: Korean War, New Guinea, Bataan Retreat. The games consists of:
Folding gameboard
16 company(trucks) and 40 US unit markers(red)
16 company(trucks) and 40 Jpn,N Korean markers(blue)
Deck of 24 movement cards
5 red and 5 white dice
Sheet of troop allocation grids
You move units from town to town along roads. Each road is different. Solid roads=1 movement point,Dashed road=2 movement points, Dotted roads=3 movement points. Combat is resolved with dice.

Sackson designed the game system and the Bataan scenario, Champer was responsible for the Korea and New Guinea scenarios.

Also see: Major Battles and Campaigns of General George S. Patton

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