
Lost Gold (1975)

Hạng: 19396
2 Người chơi
45 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Tác Giả: Sam Kjellman

Nhà Phát Hành: Parker Brothers

Each player secretly hides 3 gold bags under the platform. The board is reversed and play begins. Neither player knows where the other has hidden his gold. The board is divided into a grid and a treasure detector is used to search for the buried treasure. The gold bags are magnetic and the treasure finder has a window that turns red when it has passed over treasure. A die is used to determine how many squares can be searched in a turn. The detector has a window that must be closed prior to searching for treasure. After moving the detector over a number of squares, the window is opened and if it has turned red, the detector has passed over a piece of your opponents treasure. By strategically searching the grid, a player is able to determine where the buried gold is hidden. A treasure map is provided to aid in remembering possible locations. The winner is the player that can locate all three treasure locations before his opponent. If you are not correct in all three locations, the opponent automatically wins.

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