
Lion of the North: Fastplay Rules for Combat during the Thirty Years War (2011)

Thirty Years War amd mid 17th century miniature wargame rules.

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
-- Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Michael Peters

Nhà Phát Hành: (Web published)

Lion of the North try to reflect the tactical combat of the Thirty years war, but can easily be expanded to cover other conflicts around the mid-17th century.

The rules aim to give a quick game with simple mechanics, that can be easily memorised.
They have evolved during some time, and use some crucial ideas borrowed from other rule sets, among others the ubiquitous DBA.

Game Sequence:
Play Sequence is determined by drawing Cards from the Gameplay Deck.
At the start of each game turn, the gameplay deck is shuffled, when all cards have been drawn, the deck is reshuffled, and another turn starts.

—description from the rulebook

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