
Liberation (2019)

Liberate the galaxy from the tyrannical Dynasty! Or find and squash the Liberation!

Hạng: 3618
2 Người chơi
30 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 2.25/5

Tác Giả: Jon Simantov

Họa Sĩ: Sara Beauvais

Nhà Phát Hành: Button Shy, Frosted Games, Hobby World, Magellan, Matagot, Mosigra

For hundreds of generations, the tyrannical Intercosmic Dynasty has ruled the galaxy with a titanium fist. Their power and reach is spreading, but so is word of their misdeeds. A band of resistance fighters known as the Liberation has begun striking at the Dynasty from a hidden base. Will you help the Liberation gain enough support before their secret base is discovered, or will the you wield the awesome power of the Dynasty to hunt down these traitors and bring them to heel?

Using a tiny deck of only 18 cards, Liberation plays out a miniature rebellion of galactic scale on your tabletop. An asymmetrical game of cat and mouse, the Dynasty player expands their web of power, occupying and exploiting planet cards, while the Liberation player strikes from the shadows, sabotaging the Dynasty’s hand and performing daring missions. The odds are long and the stakes are high. Can you stall long enough to cycle through the deck 3 times, earning enough support to topple the Dynasty, or will you scour the galactic map, tightening the noose around the secret base of the Liberation to attack and destroy them? The future of the galaxy is at stake!

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