
League of Confessors (2016)

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
60-120 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Droege Boy 2

Họa Sĩ: Droege Boy 2

Nhà Phát Hành: (Self-Published), Droege Boy Creations

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This board game is a simulation of the spiritual and physical warfare that erupted after the Reformation. It is the only game that covers the specific battles that took place between the Schmalkaldic League of Confessors (the Lutherans) and the Catholic League (Holy Roman Empire) between the years 1532-1555. The setting of League of Confessors begins after the death of John the Steadfast as the leaders of the Augsburg Confession prepare to defend themselves against the impending armies of the Holy Roman Empire. Power and wealth will collide with conviction and courage as two leagues of heroes go to war with sword and the pen!

League of Confessors comes with 4 different classes of heroes.

Commanders – Commanders are the heroes that initially lead your entire army. They are good leaders in battle and are very versatile.

Generals – Generals are good leaders in battle, but that is all they will do. They can advance in their battle abilities very quickly.

Princes – Princes will help build the infrastructure of your expanding territory through the construction of armories, castles, or churches.

Confessors – Confessors do not have the ability to lead troops in battle. They are the only heroes who have the ability to publish confessional writings to convert opponents to their side.

The goal is to win the game by gaining seven Conquest Points. Each electorate territory is worth 1 Conquest Point (CP). The other way you can gain a CP is to fully advance a hero in their abilities. If you fully advance a hero in their abilities, you will also gain 1 CP for as long as that hero is alive. If your league has seven or more Conquest Points at the end of one of your turns, you win the game!


How to Play

Video 16

How to Play

Video 10

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