
Kung Fu Zoo (2016)

Zoo animals battle after closing time in a rollicking dice-flicking dexterity game.

Hạng: 5514
2-4 Người chơi
5-10 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.10/5

If you hung around your local zoo after it closed for the night, you'd see the nighttime rituals of the exotic animals you visited during the day. You'd see cages being cleaned and souvenir stands being restocked. If you were lucky, you might catch an impromptu seal show or moonlight nightingale concert.

And if you stayed late enough, long after the last employee had left for the night, you just might see the greatest, and most secret, of all zoo attractions—the late-night Kung Fu fights!

Welcome to Kung Fu Zoo!

Kung Fu Zoo is a dice-flicking dexterity game for 2-4 players. You control a team of highly-trained animals, from crocodiles to zebras, in a Kung Fu battle against your rivals. Who will be tonight’s champions of the zoo? Grab some dice and find out!

In Kung Fu Zoo, players use six-sided animal dice to do battle in an enclosed arena. There are two gameplay variants: Cage Battle and Points Match. In either variant, players start with a team of dice-animals. But the similarities stop there. In a Cage Battle, players take turns flicking their animals into the arena. Your goal is to knock your opponent’s animals onto their backs (stunning them) or through holes on the board (the “cages”). You win the match when all of your opponent’s animals are stunned or in cages. The first player to win three matches wins! In a Points Match, players take turns flicking their animals into the arena. Your goal is to score 21 points before your opponent. Points are awarded at the end of each round, based upon the position of your dice that are left on the board.

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