
Korea Solitaire (2024)

A solitaire wargame covering the mobile war in Korea, 1950-51.

Hạng: --
1 Người chơi
0 Phút
Tuổi: 0+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Tác Giả: Joseph Miranda

Họa Sĩ: Nadir Elfarra, Joe Youst

Nhà Phát Hành: Decision Games (I)

Korea Solitaire covers the first year of the war.

Three types of naval units: gunfire, transport, amphibs. Amphibious invasion have to be planned two turns in advance.

Air units represent two groups each: tactical air, B-29s, F-86s, airlift. Communist airpower is represented by an AA track (interceptors+flak) which "fires" at UN Command air. You can knock down the AA level by air superiority missions. Other air missions include close support and interdiction. Interdiction is against the Communist logistics level. The lower the level, the less likely the Communists will go on the offensive. Thus, you have to allocate your airpower for what you think is thebest strategy.

Two random events table: one for the North Korean invasion, the second kicks in when the Chinese enter. One random event is Soviet air intervention, which raises the Communist AA level considerably. Reinforcements: these come in on randomly determined turns, mainly to show fog of war and vary each game. You can also bring in US units from the strategic reserve, at a cost in victory points (these include elements of the 2nd Armored and 82nd Airborne divisions).

Special rules:
US mechanized task forces (you can form them from divisions).
Chinese logistics surges (gotta do more interdiction to counter this!).
Eighth Army commander: either Walker or Ridgway, each with their own advantages.

Published in Strategy & Tactics #349

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