
King's Ransom (2013)

Hạng: 13135
2 Người chơi
10 Phút
Tuổi: 13+
Độ khó: 1.60/5

Byzantium circa 600 CE

Take part in the explosive energy and corruption of holy Byzantium as described in the scandalous book “The Secret History” by Procopius. Struggle to seize the throne,as you join the tale of royal intrigue, deceit and conflict.

Your chess tiles may be turned face down or moved through the court which is a six by three square area. Bluffing, and even luck lay before you as you reveal, move, capture, and place your tiles.

King’s Ransom is a 2-player strategy game pitting royal rivals against each other. Assemble your noblemen, strike from your secret chamber,then move through court to checkmate your opponent’s king. Light chess variant with luck, a prince, hidden tiles and bluffing.Using the basic mechanics of chess, there’s an additional layer of strategy due to each tile entering play hidden from the opposing player’s view. If you can set traps and lure your opponent into making mistakes, you might be able to snatch their King and ransom him for control of the kingdom!

Turn Order:

- Flip a face-down tile so it is face up
- Move a face-up tile
- Announce check, if applicable
- Place a new tile face down
- Draw a tile from your chamber.

Game Components: 40 Tiles

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