
Kauchuk (2019)

Bend time and space to discover new worlds and their treasure in this 3D game.

Hạng: 5631
2-4 Người chơi
20-40 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.50/5

You have found a way to bend time and space by means of a rare elastic substance known as KAUCHUKIUM, and now you are able to travel to foregone and yet undiscovered worlds in search of amazing treasures.

But you are not the only one lurking among ancient ruins or looking for jungle temples. So don't drag your feet, choose the best tactics, and be the first to BAND THE WORLD!

Travel to eight fascinating locations in Kauchuk and collect treasures and other valuable artifacts. Take control over the territory using unique components and a special 3D game board. Rules of the game change from one location to another allowing you to experience each game as a new one.

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