
Kangaroo: The Jumping Game (1977)

Two teams of kangaroos try to eliminate each other by jumping over the opponents.

Hạng: 20086
2 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: --

Players start with their pawns lined up on opposite side of the board. Each takes turns moving one pawn. Movement is made by jumping over a pawn in a straight line (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally). If you jump over your own pawn, it is just movement. If you jump over an opponent's pawn, it is captured. Multiple consecutive jumps by one pawn can be made in a single turn.

The game ends when no more moves can be made or one player runs out of pawns. Points are then tallied (1 point per captured pawn, 2 points for each of your pawns in your opponent's home row) and the high scorer is the winner.

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