
Julius Caesar: Caesar, Pompey, and the Roman Civil War (2010)

Bring the drama of the Roman Civil War to life in this card driven block game.

Hạng: 1139
2 Người chơi
120 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 2.46/5

Julius Caesar is a two-player game, depicting the later Roman civil wars (49-45 BC). The forces of Caesar are pitted against those of Pompey.

From the publisher:
Julius Caesar brings the drama of the Roman Civil War to life. Players take control of the legions of Caesar or Pompey and fight to rule Rome as Emperor.

From the Designer:

Julius Caesar is a card driven block game. You use cards to Move, levy or play an Event. 13 victory point Towns or Cities are depicted on the 17"x 33" (43 x 84 cm) game board of the Mediterranean. Take command of Caesar's Veteran Legions or Pompey sprouting Young Legions around the Mediterranean. You decide how best to defend or conquer the Republic. With endless possibilities at your disposal this game will keep your adrenaline pumping. The only question I have for you, the game player, is, are you ready to prove that you deserve to be Emperor of Rome? Come prove it on the game board!

Can be played online at https://rally-the-troops.com

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