
Jamaica: The Crew (2017)

Hire crews with special powers in harbors to add more spice to your race!

Hạng: --
2-6 Người chơi
30-75 Phút
Tuổi: 8+
Độ khó: 1.95/5

Description from the publisher:

Jamaica: The Crew is a set of twenty characters, each with a special power, that add flavor to the game without any big changes in the rules. The characters may be hired when you're able to pay for the fee of a harbor, and they are "loaded" like any other resource, following the same rules.

You might find it enticing to add several characters to your boat — especially since most of them earn you additional gold at the end of the game — but with fewer holds dedicated to the regular resources, navigation becomes more dicey. All in all, more challenge, more silly fun, more Jamaica.

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