Infection Express: Secondary Infection is the second edition of Infection Exress. It is a cooperative 1-6 player dice game inspired by Pandemic.
All that's needed to play are 5 6-sided dice with colored faces, 1 ordinary 6 sided die, 56 4-6mm cubes (14 each of 4 colours), player pawns and a print out of player mats, role cards and game board.
—description from the designer
On their turn, players move their pawns about, to cure diseases. They then cast dice to research a cure, and to determine where new diseases appear.
The players win the game, once all diseases have been removed from the map, and a cure has been researched for each type of disease. Players cooperate to achieve this goal, but at the end may compare their scores who saved the world the most.
Should there be to many outbreaks, or the infections become too severe, the game is lost.
—user summary