
Illuminare (2022)

An abstract strategy game of heavenly objects.

Hạng: --
2 Người chơi
10-15 Phút
Tuổi: 14+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Steve Finn

Họa Sĩ: Akha Hulzebos

Nhà Phát Hành: Dr. Finn's Games

Illuminare is an abstract game consisting of only 12 playing cards. Each card is numbered from 1-12 and is divided into 4 quadrants. One player plays as suns and the other as the moons. The cards quadrants have either suns, moons, or stars, with the stars serving as victory points.

The game lasts 3 rounds. In each round, players are dealt 2 cards each. They simultaneously choose 1 to give to the opponent. After passing a card, they each play a card simultaneously. the player with the lowest numbered card plays first.

When playing a card, it must be placed out into the "grid" of cards (which begins with 1 starting card) and each card must be played adjacent to another card in the grid. Players are trying to place their cards so more of their symbols (moon or sun) surround the quadrants with stars. When a Star area is completely surrounded, the players count their symbols surrounding the stars and the player with the most scores the number of stars as victory points.

—description from designer

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