
Husaria: Wargames Rules and Army Lists for Eastern Europe from 1558 to 1699 (2003)

Hạng: --
2-12 Người chơi
240 Phút
Tuổi: --
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Ian Wilson

Nhà Phát Hành: Pike and Shot Society

Husaria is a set of miniatures rules designed to simulate land warfare in Eastern Europe during the period 1558-1699. Given the subject matter, there are many rule elements designed to convey the unique context of war in the East.

Each figure represents 60-100 men. The units are portrayed by stands of figures and represent what in the West during this period would have been brigade-sized groupings. There is a clever interactive system for players to build armies from detailed army lists for all the varied armies of this period: Polish Commonwealth, Cossacks, Tatars, Ottomans, Muscovites, Lithuanian, Swedes, etc.

There is also a very large list of leaders with micro bios as well as a listing of important battles from the period.

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