
Hex Command: Gunpowder – The Horse and Musket Era with Pike and Shot Addendum (2019)

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
-- Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: --

Tác Giả: Terry Cabak, R.Jeffrey Cabak

Nhà Phát Hành: Imagine Image Multimedia

Hex Command Gunpowder are rules for miniature gaming the horse and musket era.
Also includes rules for the Pike and Shotte era.

These rules for miniature war gaming combine board game mechanics with miniatures, where the basic concepts and intent of the rules is to be shared or made common with other rules in the Hex Command System: Ancients, Mechanized and more.
Where possible, as many common concepts and procedures were to be incorporated so that once a particular set was learned, the other rules would find the same intentions.

Hex Command avoids complex issues of movement and measuring due to the use of a hex grid, and infantry regiments do not consist of multiple stands and are not concerned with formations. When a is "Fatigued" it means it has reached the limit of encountering obstacles and efforts such as melee.

To win this game, players must observe the tactical reserve, maneuvering the enemy, and supported combat. Use of Game Cards keep players from being all-knowing and all-seeing above the game table... the fog of war element.

—description from the introduction of the book from the publisher

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