
Haunted Village (2011)

Hạng: --
2-4 Người chơi
60 Phút
Tuổi: 12+
Độ khó: 2.00/5

Common folk think you are a madman – but that's because they fear what they cannot comprehend.

You’ll have to gather all your strength to beat the demon that inhabits the church. Be the first to defeat him otherwise it will be too late.
This is the game for 2-4 players. Start your adventure and place 3x3 Outside location cards face down. Each player takes a book that was given to them. Place Inside locations, Adventure deck and Bosses near the board.  Players start their turn by taking 1 card from Adventure deck then they must beat the ghost on location, play Adventure card and move. There are different types of cards (see rules). The main point of the game is to beat Boss with enough points in your collection.
Compete with others by playing Action cards and Ghosts on them. But be careful not to give advantage to them.

This is an adaptation of the print and play game Fatal Frame

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