
Go Wild! (1998)

Hạng: 21528
2-6 Người chơi
20 Phút
Tuổi: 10+
Độ khó: 1.00/5

Go Wild! is played with a deck of 108 cards (plus a card to signify which player is currently the "Wild One"), 18 each in 5 suits and 18 wild cards. Each round consists of a series of three tricks. Players start each round with 12 cards in hand and replenish their hands only when the round is over. The largest set played in a single color (or single color plus wild cards) wins the trick. The first trick in each round is worth one point, the second trick worth two and the third worth three. The winner of the first trick in each round becomes the "Wild One," and only that person is allowed to match wild cards to color cards to increase the size of a color set. The "Wild One" retains this power until another player wins the first trick in a subsequent round. The first player to reach 20 points is the winner.

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